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Maison Close – Season 1

Set in Paris in 1871, this is a story of the women trapped in a luxury brothel ‘Paradise’. The very young Rose came to Paris in search of her mother, who was a former prostitute. Searching in brothels, she was trapped and forced to enrol in Paradise. Meanwhile Vera is 35 and is betting everything on the Baron Du Plessis, her main client and the only one able to redeem her debt. Hortense is the owner of Paradise who takes care of the girls and must avoid a thug who is charging her money.

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Maison Close – Season 2

The brothel, ‘Le Paradis’, now collectively managed by its prostitutes, enjoys a period of commercial success once again. However the Paris vice squad wants to put an end to that revived utopia and pushes for a return to public morality. Hortense, Rose and Véra must ally themselves with a young and flamboyant Parisian gangster who takes the opportunity to establish his quarters in the brothel.

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